Announcing the 2018 Jodi Crandall Fellowship Award Winner
Steven Dashiell - Cohort 16
On July 3rd, Dr. Jodi Crandall, founder of the LLC Program, presented to Steven Dashiell, PhD Candidate from Cohort 16, the Jodi Crandall Fellowship for Research in Language, Literacy and Culture Award. His project is called "Understanding the Power Imbalances in 'Thanks for your Service'."
Steven's research project will involve identifying and interviewing male veteran students about "thanks discourse," a discursive ritual that occurs between veterans and non-veterans when one is greeted with the phrase "thank you for your service." NVivo software will be used for the initial thematic analysis. Steven will be collaborating with Dr. Bryce Peake and together deliver a paper at the American Men's Studies Association conference in 2019 and submit a paper to the journal of Critical Military Studies.
Congratulations, Steven!
Posted: July 18, 2018, 2:13 PM