Andrew Beck: URCAD Virtual Presentation
Organic Panic! An Interactive Role Playing Game Case Study.
Organic Panic! is an interactive role-playing game that simulates the
documentary film Cafeteria Man, a documentary produced by UMBC alumnus
Richard Chisolm, Class of 1982. The film follows Tony Geraci, former
Baltimore City Public Schools Director of Food and Nutrition, in his
quest to provide nutritious food to 83,000 school children by building a
central kitchen for Baltimore kids. This story has been translated into
a role-playing game by Honors College students, first played in 2014,
and revised by Honors students every year since. INDS student Andrew Beck, who once
was an actor in the game, will summarize his analysis of the 2017 and
2019 versions of the game along with brief clips from each version, will
assess the game mechanics through frameworks by game experts McGonigal
and Osterweil, and suggest revisions to the 2020 version.
Mentor: Steven McAlpine, Individualized Study
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Posted: April 21, 2020, 3:50 PM