FDC Resources: We're here to support you!
Find programs, services, consultations, & online resources!
Dear Colleagues,
As you prepare
for remote instruction, hybrid courses, or face-to face instruction
this fall,
please remember that the Faculty Development Center staff are
here during the summer and continue to provide a number of resources to
support you!
will continue to offer virtual programs this fall on a variety of
timely topics. Drawing on faculty feedback, our programs balance
structured content with collegial discussion. Many fall programs will be
posted to our myUMBC page in August. Resources from popular sessions this spring include:
- The Graphic Syllabus
- Course Design Online
- Includes online specific programs on Active Learning, Motivating
Students, Building Community, and Providing Effective Feedback
CATALyst and Observation Services
We can gather online feedback from your students (CATALyst midterm feedback), or provide you with our perspectives on your online course materials or lectures (observation). For more information or to request these services, please see our CATALysts and Observations during COVID-19 webpage.
You can request a phone, email, or virtual consultation with the FDC to discuss:
- strategies for adapting your pedagogy to an online or hybrid environment
in a way that meets course learning outcomes
- ways to motivate and engage students
- approaches for mapping your course or program outcomes to activities and courses
- ideas or support for pedagogical research projects
- and just about anything related to teaching and learning!
Please email fdc@umbc.edu or any of us. We are here to help you with course design, research ideas, and assessment concerns.
Online Resources
We've been updating our website with additional resources this summer. A few pages of note include:
- Creating a Syllabus - Includes a list of recommended syllabus statements.
- Keep on Teaching - We continue to add resources for adapting coursework to remote instruction to this page
- Teaching - We have updated and reorganized our teaching webpages to include course design resources for online teaching from our virtual programs as well as other resources of evidence-based, inclusive practice.
Technology Resources
Please note that FDC virtual programming focuses on the pedagogy of
various approaches and how you can re-envision your revisiting
pedagogical plans to help you achieve your goals for student
learning during remote instruction. While we often discuss the
affordances that the technology tools provide for achieving your goals, please see
the training programs offered by our colleagues in Instructional Technology for specific help in using tools.
While our physical lending library is currently closed, you may access the following ebooks through the AOK library:
- Small Teaching Online by Flower Darby with James Lang
- Online Teaching at Its Best by Linda Nilson and Ludwika Goodson
- Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology by Michelle D. Miller
Please feel free to reach out for support, with suggestions, or just to check in. We're here to support you!
Linda, Kerrie, Jennifer, Tory, and SarahIf you did not receive this message through email, we encourage you to request to join the FDC Google Group email list. This will allow you to keep up to date with all FDC happenings as we share upcoming events,
services, and useful
teaching resources.
Photo by Yoksel Zok on Unsplash
Posted: July 30, 2020, 11:28 AM