Two LLC Cohort 23 students are elected GSA Senators
Two members of LLC's latest cohort applied for GSA senator positions and were just elected for academic year 2020-2021.
The GSA Senate is broken up into four interest groups (CAHSS, CNMS, COEIT and nonAcademic/Community). Kara Seidel will be part of the CAHSS group and Shahin Hossain will belong to the Non-Academic/ Community group.
Graduate Student Association Senate meetings are held monthly and are open to the public. They provide a forum to discuss concerns and improve campus
experiences. As a member of shared governance at UMBC, the GSA plays a
significant part in shaping policy and providing recommendations to the
university. They will meet the second Thursday of every month, with the
exception of September. There are no meetings in January or the summer
Shahin's and Kara's support and representation of UMBC graduate students' interests is greatly appreciated!
Posted: September 9, 2020, 12:35 PM