Congratulations Doctoral Candidates!!!
Psychology celebrates students admitted to candidacy in 2020
Applied Developmental Psychology Program
Merve Balkaya Ince, Mentor - Dr. Charissa Cheah
“A Multi-Method Approach to Examine Predictors and Outcomes of Muslim American Adolescents' Social Identities”
Brittany N. Gay, Mentor - Dr. Susan Sonnenschein
“Characterizing the Educational Involvement of Families During Fifth Grade: Predictors and Academic Outcomes Associated with Latent Class Membership”
Lisa Shanty, Mentor - Dr. David Schultz
“Facilitating Parent-Child Interaction in Home Visiting: Staff Experiences and Supervisory Support”
Jia Shen, Mentor - Dr. Charissa Cheah
"Self-Regulation Among Emerging Adults"
Human Services Psychology Program
Eduardo Alsina, Mentor - Dr. Shari Waldstein
"Epigenetic Clock and Associations with Neurocognition"
Shelter N. Dziya, Mentor - Dr. Kenneth Maton
“Child Abuse, Adult Sexual Assault, Sexual Revictimization and Depression among Black Women: The Moderating Effects of Sense of Control and Education Level.”
Samantha Jay, Mentor - Dr. Jason Schiffman
"Suicide risk assessment in young adults at clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR); CHR specific risk factors of suicidal thoughts and behavior"
Brianna Jehl, Mentor - Dr. Lynnda Dahlquist
"The impacts of experimenter gender on children’s comfort expressing acute pain"
Sarah Jung, Mentor - Dr. Shari Waldstein
"The impact of racial discrimination and psychological variables on obesity"
Christa R. Lewis, Mentors - Dr. Raimi Quiton & Dr. Rebecca Schacht
"Neurocognitive Influences in Pain & PTSD"
Ana Maldonado, Mentors - Dr. Christopher Murphy & Dr. Shari Waldstein
"The Impact of Post-traumatic Stress on Glucose Metabolism Trajectories: A Health Disparities Approach"
Posted: October 23, 2020, 12:53 PM